Emmanuel G. Fendis (Manoli) was called 'The Third Papou' (third grandfather) by many children who found love, compassion and generosity when they were around him. They used the 'Third Papou' name as a way to describe someone who was not from their immediate family but one who compassionately provided the characteristics of a family member. The Fendis Foundation is a charitable foundation based on one man's passion to 'make children smile'. With his large lion heart he was giving till his last breath.
To continue Papou Manoli's legacy and to act as a focal point for the distribution of foundation funds on a global basis.
To coordinate and distribute the Fendis Foundation funds into worthy children based causes on a global basis.
Our reward is to generate as many smiles from as many children from as many countries as possible, just as Papou Manoli did.